5 Ways to Get the Most out of Your Achieve Montana Account

You’ve opened an Achieve Montana account, you’ve named a beneficiary, you’re excited for what’s ahead, but now what? How do you go from making the occasional contribution to helping your children step into their dreams in a matter of years? We get it, even when you’re on the right track (way to go!), saving for education can seem like a daunting pursuit. But, with the right tools and resources, it doesn’t have to be. No matter where life takes them – college, trade school, or somewhere in between – these next five steps will give you the confidence to help them get there.
Why Consider Trade School?

When it comes to graduating or pursuing higher education opportunities outside of high school, many students are faced with one overwhelming question: What do I want to do next? A question that even many adults continue to struggle with throughout their life. And yet, the “societal norm” is for 18-year-olds to have it all mapped out prior to moving their tassel over on graduation day. But what if you don’t? Or even more, what if you do and your dream career or next step doesn’t include the typical college pathway?
Kick Student Loan Debt to the Curb

At the end of last year, student loan debt in the U.S. totaled $1.74 trillion. That makes for an average student loan payment of more than $393 per month. And while loan forgiveness initiatives are up in the air every few months, here’s one thing that’s for sure – saving early can outweigh both the costs and stress of paying for college and higher education.
Make room under the tree for a 529 college savings plan.

The sounds of their little feet racing down the stairs. The giggles of excitement as they spot their name under the tree. The overwhelming joy they experience opening a gift bought just for them. As parents, the magic of Christmas isn’t found in the getting, but in the giving. So, why wait? This holiday season, light up their future with an Achieve Montana 529 college savings account. It may not be the biggest gift under the tree, but it’s sure to be the brightest! And it’ll certainly last longer than that box of toys.
Practical Ways to Save

When it comes to life, we love a good cheat sheet. And the same goes for college savings! While an Achieve Montana 529 savings account is the ultimate college savings tool (hello low minimums and tax-free withdrawals), it’s still just that – a tool. The true savings start with you! And with these practical savings tips, your journey can start today! Check out these quick and easy ways to get the most out of your 529 savings account.
529 Savings Myths: BUSTED!

There are a lot of misconceptions out there when it comes to opening a 529 savings plan. And, we get it! Setting aside money and intentionally planning for your child’s future (or even your own) can be intimidating. Heck, we’re intimidated even saying it! But the truth is that it doesn’t have to be.
Saving for Education in Montana Just Got More Affordable

Saving for Education in Montana Just Got More Affordable Achieve Montana offers lower savings fees through continued partnership with Ascensus Helena, Mont., September 20, 2023 – With a goal of helping families and individuals save for education costs, Achieve Montana is excited to announce a 28% drop in fees thanks to an ongoing partnership with […]
As Grandparents, Your Investment Matters

You’ve worked hard, you’ve raised a family, you’ve lived a lot of life along the way. And just when you thought you had experienced it all, you become a grandparent – one of the greatest privileges and titles of all. Suddenly, weekend trips down to the local fishing hole with your grandson – trips you […]
529 Savings Aren’t Just for College!

Times have changed, so we’re just going to get straight to the point – 529 savings plans aren’t just for college anymore. That’s right, we said it! And more parents need to hear it. We repeat: 529 savings can be used FOR MORE than just college! Is your student interested in becoming a carpenter?
Celebrate Every Milestone with Achieve Montana

With graduation season just around the corner, we can’t help but reminisce on all the milestones. Their first and oh, so wobbly steps. Their first word. Their first bike ride around the block without training wheels. Their first sleepover without mom. When they’re little, every small step is a reason to cheer. And with Achieve Montana, we’re proud to be right there with you – from the first day of school until the last.