Year of Enrollment Portfolios
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Year Of
Enrollment Portfolios
Our Year of Enrollment Portfolios are designed to make saving for college as simple as possible. These Portfolios automatically rebalance your asset mix to more conservative investments as your child nears college age. Once you’ve selected your Portfolio, you can leave the selection of underlying investments and the mix among asset classes to our experienced investment managers. As your child gets closer to college, your Portfolio automatically shifts to become more conservative. It’s a set it and forget it kind of approach.
The Portfolios in the Year of Enrollment Investment Option are designed to take into account a Beneficiary’s age and the number of years before your Beneficiary is expected to attend college or trade school. In general, for younger Beneficiaries, the Portfolios are invested more heavily in underlying investments that invest in stocks to capitalize on the longer investment horizon and to try to maximize returns. As time passes, assets are moved automatically to more conservative investments in an effort to preserve capital as the time for distribution approaches.
Although the asset allocation of the Year of Enrollment Portfolios is designed to correspond with your Beneficiary’s expected year of enrollment, you may choose to invest in a Portfolio other than the one that corresponds to your Beneficiary’s expected enrollment. Keep in mind, however, there may be additional investment risks associated with selecting a Year of Enrollment Portfolio that does not match your Beneficiary’s expected year of enrollment.
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Detailed performance information is available by clicking here.

Detailed performance information is available by clicking here.

Detailed performance information is available by clicking here.

Detailed performance information is available by clicking here.

Detailed performance information is available by clicking here.

Detailed performance information is available by clicking here.