You’ve opened an Achieve Montana account, you’ve named a beneficiary, you’re excited for what’s ahead, but now what? How do you go from making the occasional contribution to helping your children step into their dreams in a matter of years? We get it, even when you’re on the right track (way to go!), saving for education can seem like a daunting pursuit. But, with the right tools and resources, it doesn’t have to be. No matter where life takes them – college, trade school, or somewhere in between – these next five steps will give you the confidence to help them get there.
Automate Contributions
You saw this one coming, didn’t you? Saving early and often is the primary way to ensure you get the most out of your Achieve Montana account. While contributing “left over money” at the end of the month into your account is a great place to start, it’s not the place you want to end. You’d be amazed at what even an additional $50/month over the span of 5-10 years could grow into. So, don’t wait! Make a plan, ask your employer about automatic contribution options (and matches), and start ensuring that 529 savings are always at the forefront of your budget! Learn more about the benefits of early saving.
Invite Friends & Family Along
Nobody said you have to do this alone. Whether it’s a special occasion, birthday celebration, or unexpected gift, invite your friends and family to contribute to your child’s dreams using Ugift® – a free and easy-to-use online giving tool. Every gift will bring your child one step closer to their future and your friends will be honored you asked. Looking to make it fun? Check out these downloadable gift certificates.
Boost Savings with Upromise®
Speaking of giving tools, how would you like to turn your everyday purchases into 529 savings? Whether it’s shopping, dining, or your weekly grocery run, Upromise® is a free rewards program that allows families (and friends) to earn cash back rewards that can then be automatically deposited into your Achieve Montana account. That’s what we call a win-win!
Analyze Your Investment Portfolio
Has it been a while since you’ve reviewed the investments in your account? Do you think your student will have greater or fewer expenses than when you first opened your account? Has your child recently entered a new stage of life? It might be time to review and adjust your investment selections. Despite your level of experience (or risk), Achieve Montana offers flexible investment options that can work for every changing season and timeline. That way your savings have the opportunity to grow right along with them!
Know How Your Funds Can Be Used
Despite popular belief, 529 savings aren’t just for college. And they’re not just for tuition. Your child’s dreams today may not be what they are tomorrow, and that’s okay! In addition to two and four-year colleges and universities, funds in an Achieve Montana account can be used for various expenses toward K-12 education, trade school, apprenticeships, technical training, and student loan repayment. The more you know, the better you’ll be able to use the funds in your account when the time comes! View a full list of qualifying expenses here.
Upromise is an optional service offered by Upromise, Inc., is separate from Achieve Montana, and is not affiliated with the State of Montana. Terms and conditions apply to the Upromise service. Participating companies, contribution levels, and terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice. Transfers from Upromise to an Achieve Montana account are subject to a minimum amount. Visit upromise.com to learn more about Upromise.
Upromise and the Upromise logo are registered service marks of Upromise, Inc. Ugift is a registered service mark of Ascensus Broker Dealer Services, Inc., an affiliate of Ascensus College Savings Recordkeeping Services, LLC.
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